Indictment for 40 years of torture, annoyance, offence, discourtesy and juridical discrimination against the homosexuals, bisexuals, transgenders and queers(LGBTQ+) in Iran
We, the Iranian homosexuals, bisexuals, trans genders and queers, along with the social struggles and current protest movements, want our human rights and equality. And as long as the society of Iran is going to dispose the difficulties with the Islamic Republic regime, we will see the extension of these protest movements, We the LGBTQ+, as one of the groups of the society which its rights are violated and always encounters systematic discrimination, want to talk about 40 years of annoyance and offence and demand our indictment against this discrimination and appeal for the conviction for all the ones who take part in these malefactions and we call all the LGBTQ+s, and all the protest movement activists to support this indictment on a wide scale. We, the LGBTQ+, encounter torture and disparagement every day, because it's taboo to have homosexual relationships in the Islamic Republic and there are brutish punishments like death penalty, whips and imprisonment, and this obvious right for all mature human beings which is to have elective and free sexual relationships, is banned by the Islamic laws. We, the LGBTQ+, have always been in danger of being executed due to our Sexual orientation/ relationships by the government in this passed 40 years, and we've experienced a variety of these malefactions. Many homosexuals were executed in the Islamic Republic's jails in 1980s, there are Basij, mosques, religious leaders, revolutionary guards IRGC and informational departments were proceeding with murdering homosexuals and the LGBTQ+, in different cities of Iran. In JAHROM a city in Fars province a religious group named "GHANAT" which means aqueduct, used to abduction the homosexuals and after torturing and dismembering them, they would leave their half dead bodies in the aqueducts of the suburbs until they eventually die from pain and hemorrhage.This governmental violence against LGBTQ+ in the 1980s existed in other cities of Iran as well. As an LGBTQ member, I am exposed to assault, annoyance and verbal or mental tortures. Anti-homosexual, anti-bisexual, anti-transgender and anti-queer culture is produced and reproduced systematically by the Islamic Republic in the press, education, TV shows, books and billboards. And these extended commercial facilities are the mainsprings to arise fear, hatred, animosity and destructive eyes
on us and they provoke continues annoyance, insolence and psychical torture to LGBTQ+ . To have a free, independent and a personal life and to escape from the discriminations, cruelty, threats and the fears made by the I.R and anti LGBTQ+ laws, we have to emigrate. However as long as the anti-emigrant governments in America and Europe have the power, many of the LGBTQ+ emigrants are pending and having hard situations in Turkey and waiting time for the acceptance in the third country has been increased to a couple of years and with the grip of the Islamism in Turkey, we see physical aggressions and abusive behavior against the LGBTQ+ emigrants there. I faced a variety of diversities and psychological issues during puberty and knowing about my sexual orientation. And because the I.R government doesn't allow people and families to be familiar with other sexual orientations and they only recognize the heterosexuals, I am exposed to feel guilty, low self-esteem , depression and other mental health issues . We, the transgenders, are confronted with 40 years of torture and abuse. low qualified SRS and slaughtered bodies, compulsory emasculations, long and unnecessary consultations and at last, the discrimination and male centered structure are still stable. Even after the SRS, we'll have problems with marriage and applying for jobs. I am Siavash, 23 years old from Khorram Abad , a male transgender who was assaulted and shot to die with a gun by my father . I had been tortured for my entire life . Because the I.R and anti-transgender culture that has brutalized our society , didn't teach my dad that I am his child, no matter what gender I choose to be . And as a father, he should have given me love and affection instead of physical torment, shooting and abandonment. As a homosexual/bisexual, transgender or queer, I am tortured while processing the stages of changing my sexual orientation. While conversion therapy is illegal in many countries and doctors are not allowed to use it, in Iran, with the permission of the government and its agents and physicians affiliated with the government and military institutions, they are using electric shocks and non-scientific therapies to change our sexual orientation. In this process, we forced to withstand the psychological stress and physical and psychological torture that results in depression and sometimes suicide among those experiencing these non-scientific therapies.
I was raped and physically and verbally harassed as an LGBTQ+ person. I got tortured when the police or plainclothes men insulted and interrogated me because I had worn make up and dressed as I wanted to. I was tortured when the police or IRGC or BASIJ put handcuffs on me just because I had been in a simple meeting and celebration with my friends and I was liberated after 70 whips and giving written promises. I was tortured when I wasn't employed in governmental centers because of my feminine voice after years of studying, I fell victim to abuse just because I wasn't 'masculine' enough. I, as a homosexual person, had to marry a person of the other sex because of my family and what society thinks is right as I was put in a life that I didn't want, and every single moment of it, was bit for myself and my spouse and this life usually end up in divorce or coldness. I am horrified and disgusted that I don't have the rights that other people do. I deserve an equal and happy life. I was tortured by the involvement of the religion in my life. The unfair laws and the inhumanity that contains torture, whips, the death penalty and abusing the LGBTQ, spring from Islamic and traditional culture and laws. We all demand secularism and the separation of religion from government, education, justice, and laws. We've been suffering from discrimination, oppression and inequality at least for 40 years and we want them to be finished. We, along with the other classes: workers, women, teens and collegians have always been among the downtrodden classes. We have a common interest and a destiny. We always support the movements of workers, teachers, nurses and others in gaining their rights and an equal life because we know ourselves as one of their vigorous defenders and we believe that freedom needs a collective effort and companionship . Hereby, we, the LGBTQ+s, the subscribers of this indictment announce our situation for 40 years of discrimination, asperity, crime, systematic tortures against the LGBTQs and we demand the trial for 40 years of all the actions against us in Iran, in an aboveboard and fair international court with the supervision of the international human rights defenders. Iranians and the LGBTQs deserve an equal life with fair laws and a secular government. For that, they fight against the daily and class battle of this unfair situation and its leaders.
Hence, by propounding this indictment which is arise from the LGBTQ+’s movement heart and its activists and their current activities, we want this injustice, malefactions and humiliations against LGBTQ+ to be finished. We react to the extended dimensions of malefactions against the homosexuals, bisexuals, trans genders and queer under the servant of the I.R, ignoring the existence and sexuality of the homosexuals, calling homosexuality as an illness and dictate the SRS to the homosexuals, hard punishments like the death penalty for homosexuality, systematic and governmental annoyance and deprive them of their basic rights and now we declare that we want the LGBTQs to gather and accomplish these demands: 1. The basic rights of homosexuals, bisexuals and trans genders must be accepted to everyone without any discriminations. Any kind of punishment for these rights such as the death penalty, imprisonment, discriminative behaviors and social, economic or cultural deprivation must be banned. 2. This is a disputable and natural right for homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders to have sexual freedom and marry anyone they love and enjoy all the rights and no discrimination shall be imposed on them, such as discrimination in adoption of a child. 3. All the people who had been humiliated, assaulted or forced to do SRS should be supported and all facilities for mental or physical recovery should be available. 4. Fighting against homophobia and discriminative reactions to sexualities is our obligation and we will continue to do our best to overcome this culture.
Iranian homosexuals, bisexuals, trans genders and queers (LGBTQ+)
June 2019
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